Pick Up Your Cross Daily
Join Trainer Mitch for a spiritual workout where we exercise our faith and get spiritually fit.
93 episodes
Take Action Now
Ending the season with a clear action plan and a call to be a better human and christian.
Season 2
Episode 14

Live it or Preach it
Talk is cheap. How can we DO better? Here’s a quick story for you about my grandfather.
Season 2
Episode 13

The First Principles of Christianity
This is a short educational episode on the elementary doctrine of Christianity. Mitch explains the 6 principles and how we need to be mature to move past them. But first you must know them and understand them. Hebrews chapter 5 and...
Season 2
Episode 12

Carry Your Own Burdens
In this short episode Mitch talks about picking up our crosses daily and what that could be insinuating. Do you struggle with relationships, boundaries, or insecurities? Well then tune in.
Season 2
Episode 11

Know Your Convictions
Are you able to let the Holy Spirit convict you towards repentance? The Word of God has the power to do that. Hebrews 4:12Psalms 38:1-42Corinthians 7:10For Heavy Burdens Matthew 11:28
Season 2
Episode 10

A Spiritual Diet for Adults
Sorry for the bad audio here. Mitch forgot to turn off his Bluetooth for his car and the mic didn’t sound as good. But in this episode Mitch dives into the Christian church and why in the modern world it might need reformed. As Christian’s we n...
Season 2
Episode 9

Faith Over Fear - the call to adventure
Today Mitch shares a personal lesson on his faith journey. We all struggle with our faith sometimes and having a big enough faith. Have you answered the call or are you lacking faith in God? Tune in for the discussion.
Season 2
Episode 8

The Whore and the Scarlet Beast
In this episode we discuss the importance of the spiritual war. Mitch gives his interpretation of Revelation 17 which leads to the ugly current state of the world. References:Revelation 12:15-17Revelation 17
Season 2
Episode 7

The Golden Thread for Spiritual Warfare
Initial Opening Reading Galatians 3:10-14. Today Mitch speaks on the Gospel Truth and the Education required to be a strong mature Christian. The golden thread is identified and the references are Psalms 82, Deuteronomy 32, an...
Season 2
Episode 6

Never Quit on the Fundamentals
Today’s short talk is about staying true to the process. Scripture reading in the beginning was 2 Peter 3 17-18.No one is above the fundamentals. Listen up!
Season 2
Episode 5

A short clarification on who Jesus is according to the Bible and the Book of Revelation. Thanks be to Jesus! Amen!
Season 2
Episode 4

Guard Against Worldliness - James Ch. 4
In this episode Mitch gives a firey talk about James chapter 4. He reads the whole chapter then talks about it and it’s real life personal application. Being a friend of the world is bad news for you. Being double minded is bad news an...
Season 2
Episode 3

The 7 Letters to the 7 Angels of the Church
In this episode Mitch breaks down the 7 letters and what the overall issues were with each church. There’s also some weird math nerd stuff Mitch discovered that he tries to explain. More things to come.
Season 2
Episode 3

Historic Times Call for Revelation Study - Ch. 1
Mitch discusses that the Bible is the holy word of god and that it needs to be read under a certain perspective. The underlying story is alive and well from the beginning to the end. That’s the Revelation of Jesus Christ. Amen. Ref...
Season 2
Episode 2

Recent Revelations with my Relationship with Jesus
Im back in action folks. My ministry here on the "pick up your cross daily" podcast is live and coming at you. After a short break from this I went through a lot of ups and downs. I tell those stories here on the first episode back. Im...
Season 2
Episode 1

Love Wins - a story about how we treat others
Today Mitch shares a story of his personal Life experience. The story is about what love can do to someone when you love them no matter what. Love is powerful. Some would argue it’s the most powerful thing in the world. A great story to light u...

How Do We Conquer Satan?
Today we go over some scripture in revelation that I’m sure most of you have heard before. We are talking about spiritual warfare. Real as it gets. It’s written in the word of God. This episode might explain why being a new follower of Christ i...

Jesus is Crafting Us Into Beautiful Peices of Art
Today Mitch talks out some life thoughts. He’s going through some big life changes and is sharing his journey. God has taken from him all his addictions from pornography to drugs. Mitch is living a sober life thanks to God and it’s in no way an...

Jesus Transfigures and God is Light.
Today Mitch reads the story of the transfiguration on the mount of Jesus. The story is so fascinating when we know the science of light and what we are as human beings. We are spiritual beings of light trapped in a flesh suit. Why? Because the ...

Jesus - The Greatest Story Ever Told
Today Mitch shares some life experiences with his coworkers. The art of apologetics was started by Paul and it takes extreme care and love to lead someone to Jesus. Also the Bible is an original story. It has supernatural events all through it ...

God is Not Real Agenda
Today Mitch brings up all the conspiracy theories that actually lead back to God. We are taught at a young age that Gods not real and God is not important. That’s Satan at work people.

Jesus is Being Recognized as the Christ
Todays episode is all about Matthew chapter 16. We go through the whole chapter. The religious leaders demand a sign from Jesus because they can’t discern the times. The disciples still don’t get it. And lastly we pick up our cross daily and fo...

If God Loves Us then Why Is the World the Way it Is? Apologetic Discussion
Todays sermon talks alot about why understanding Love is critical. Also feeling Love and knowing what Love is from experience is critical. I asked someone “ do you believe in God?” They said “no”. That’s where this came from.

Jesus says What Defiles Thee? - A Sermon on Personal Responsibility
All too often we use external things to pass blame or accountability away from ourselves. As Christians we even use our belief in Heaven and God as a cop out to be our best selves here on earth. Listen up and learn what defiles a man.&nbs...